ISC2 Colombo chapter inauguration on 21 September

Monday, 10 September 2012 01:36 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, Inc., commonly referred as the (ISC)², is the global, non-profit leader in educating and certifying information security professionals throughout their careers.

The (ISC)² ( is recognised for its Gold Standard certifications (including the renowned CISSP – Certified Information Systems Security Professional certification) and world class education programs.

Headquartered in the United States and with offices in London, Hong Kong and Tokyo, and with an elite network of nearly 75,000 certified industry professionals worldwide, the (ISC)² also has membership chapters around the globe including in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The idea of formulating an official ISC2 Colombo chapter by the CISSP credential holders was materialised as a follow-up of the Cyber Security week, conducted by the SL CERT in late 2011. In Early 2012 the ISC2 Colombo chapter was officially registered with the (ISC)² and became a recognised entity ( ).

The Colombo Chapter of (ISC)² was formed with the objective of providing a common forum for the Information Security Professionals of Sri Lanka including the (ISC)² credential holders, and in educating promoting its Information Security Certifications.

ISC2 Colombo chapter will be organising its chapter inauguration on 21 September at the Ramada Hotel – Liberty Ball Room, and will commence at 5 p.m. The inauguration event will feature three presentations on Information Security conducted by eminent and renowned information security experts and a panel discussion.

Krishna Rajagopal, CEO, Akati Consulting, Malaysia, will conduct a presentation on ‘Cyber Warfare – a Reality or a Myth?’; ‘Cyber Crimes – the Changing Face’ is the second speech, conducted by Dr. Rama Subramaniam, Director and CEO of Valiant Technologies of India and UAE, and Adjunct Professor of Cyber Criminology, University of Madras; Sujit Christy, Director, Layers-7 Seguro Consultoria Private Limited, India, and Founder/Charter Secretary of ISC2 Chennai (India) Chapter will then address the gathering on ‘Situational Awareness for Achieving Continuous Monitoring – the Need of the Hour’.

A panel discussion will be conducted thereafter focusing on ‘Defending Against Insider Threats’. An evening of networking and cocktails will follow the discussion. The event will also be web casted live, via the chapter web site, . The print and electronic media will also be covering the event.

The event will be targeting a highly concentrated audience of leading information security and information systems management professionals and academics of Sri Lanka, and the chapter membership.

The invitees will consist of senior information security and information systems management professionals, especially, CIOS, heads of IT and heads of security from multiple sectors of the industry including banking, telcos, ISPs, conglomerates and multi nationals, hospitality, aviation, and system integrators.

Leading academics of Sri Lanka, information security researchers in leading universities, ICT policy makers and Lawmakers, ICT regulators, law enforcement as well as defence and intelligence establishments including members from the tri-forces will be among the invitees.

The chapter membership (consisting CISSP credential holders) consists of senior officials in information security and information systems management in Sri Lanka from many industries and services.