Star Cruise dream for Hutch retailers becomes reality

Friday, 28 September 2012 03:02 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Retailers of Hutch from all over the island had their dreams of sailing the super luxury Star Cruise Virgo turned to a reality recently. The retailers who worked for the promotion “Hutch Mega Millions” sailed the Star Cruise Virgo from Singapore.

The lucky winners spent a night in Singapore and had ample time to do shopping prior to their departure on the Star Cruise Virgo, The experience on the star cruise has definitely impacted these winners from all parts of the island such as Kiribathgoda, Kandy, Pussallewa, Moratuwa, Matale, Kelaniya, Eravur & Colombo.  

Saumitra Gupta Senior Manager Marketing for Hutch stated “We are indeed happy to have organized this reward scheme for our valued retailers with great numbers of retailer participation. As Mega Millions 1 comes to its closure while thanking all our participants I once again invite all our valued retailers to participate in Mega Millions 2 which is currently underway rewarding you even better this season”.

Mr. Anand Prakash, Chief Operating Officer of Hutch Sri Lanka stated “Hutch is currently on an expansion drive with our network being furthered with the launch of 3g. Activities such as Mega Millions are a firm commitment to our business activities in Sri Lanka and to state that we full fill our promises. After all this is the first time any telecommunication company has rewarded its retailer and I invite retailers who could not be a part of this program to joining Mega Millions 2 which has bigger prizes on offer.