WSO2 workshop on using WSO2 API Manager comes to Colombo

Friday, 27 July 2012 02:30 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  •  One-Day, Hands-on Workshop Offers IT Professionals Best Practices for Installing, Configuring and Using Advanced Features of the WSO2 API Manager

Many traditional service-oriented architecture (SOA) and integration platforms enable rapid development, but they provide little support for collaboration, sharing and re-use. As a result, IT teams often experience rapid portfolio proliferation and sprawl rather than enhanced business agility. In a hands-on workshop for IT professionals, WSO2 will explore how to use the WSO2 API Manager (currently in beta) to address these challenges and optimise an organisation’s API interactions.

To participate in the one-day workshop, ‘Discover the WSO2 API Manager’, attendees will need to bring a laptop capable of running a virtual machine (4 GB memory recommended). The workshop will be held in Colombo on Wednesday 8 August from 9a.m. to 4p.m. To register, visit

Discover the WSO2 API Manager

The workshop is designed for IT architects and developers seeking to understand how to use WSO2 API Manager’s capabilities for publishing APIs, creating and managing a developer community, and scalably routing API traffic. Attendees will get hands-on experience in how to install, configure, use and manage the WSO2 API Manager product. Additionally, participants will learn how to take advantage of advanced features, such as creating service-level agreements (SLAs).

Key topics will include: Introduction to the WSO2 API Manager; Installing, configuring and using the WSO2 API Manager; Clients and API keys, sandbox and production; Analytics and activity monitoring; Advanced features for versioning, branding/skin development, deployment, and SLAs and Next steps, futures, and how to engage with WSO2.

Workshop presenters

Sumedha Rubasinghe is a WSO2 software architect and chair of the WSO2 data technologies management committee. He focuses on the development of the WSO2 Carbon Core, WSO2 Data Services, WSO2 Governance Registry, WSO2 Business Activity Monitor, and WSO2 API Manager. Sumedha also has contributed to the successful implementation of data, SAP and repository-based integration projects, as well many WSO2 QuickStart development consulting engagements.

Hiranya Jayathilaka is the WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus product leader and a member of the WSO2 integration technologies management committee. He is a long-time committer on the Apache Synapse and Apache Xerces2/J projects; author of the FIX transport for Apache Synapse; and a contributor to several other open source projects, including Apache Derby and Apache Web Services.