1996 cricket team to reunite today

Saturday, 12 January 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The unique fund-raising T20 cricket match featuring the 1996 Cricket World Cup Champs, reunited after 17 years, who will be pitted against former national cricket legends will commence today at the NCC Grounds at 10 a.m. The cricketers have united to promote the Big Heart Project initiated by Baby Cheramy to create awareness and raise funds to educate underprivileged children.

The T20 encounter will feature most of the players from the 1996 World Cup lineup headed by Skipper Arjuna Ranatunga against the National Cricket legends headed by Sidath Wettimuny.

Tickets are priced at Rs. 50 and are available at the NCC Grounds. All ticket proceeds from the World Champs Reunion will go towards the Big Heart Project, specifically for the ‘Nana Diriya’ fund for education established by the Department of Probation and Child Care Services.