‘Khomba Baby Soap’ re launched to offer more herbal goodness

Friday, 27 October 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


  • New herbal ingredients, new fragrances and new packaging takes country’s No 01 herbal baby care brand to new heights

‘Khomba Baby Soap’, Sri Lanka’s No. 01 herbal baby care product has been re-launched with new herbal ingredients and new soothing fragrances with an expansion of the portfolio. 

The predominantly Margosa (Neem/Kohomba) based range of products has undergone significant improvement with the addition of Aloe vera, Rathmal, Rose water and Venivel, making each product unique in its respective market segment, Khomba Baby manufacturer Swadeshi Industrial Works said.

The Khomba Baby Range comprising soap, cologne, cream, powder, shampoo, oil, baby wash and gift pack, a combination of time tested herbal ingredients makes it the only one of its kind in the local market. Swadeshi’s products cater to a growing market segment that is looking for nature friendly products for good health, hygiene, safety and mildness on skin. 

Swadeshi has been making gentle herbal soaps since 1941 and have now introduced the Khomba Baby brand with more herbal ingredients such as Venivel and Rathmal to add value to their consumers. 

The re-launch of Khomba Baby Soap in a big bar combines some of the best of nature’s bounty in the form of Margosa, Aloe vera, Rathmal, Rose water and Venivel, which have been used for generations for cleansing, moisturising and ensures soft and gentle skin, and is very safe for baby’s mild skin.

The new Khomba Baby Herbal Soap – contains Margosa, Aloe vera and Olive oil; Khomba Baby Floral Soap – contains Margosa, Rathmal, Rose water and Olive oil; Khomba Baby Venivel Soap –contains Margosa, Venivel and Olive oil. The soap is available in three colours – white, pink and ivory with new attractive packaging.

Kohomba (Neem/Margosa) – Protects baby’s skin naturally from germs, Aloe vera keeps the skin moisturised, Rathmal soothes the baby’s skin, Rose water softens the skin and Olive oil which includes natural Vitamin E, nourishes the baby’s skin.

Khomba Baby Soap protects baby’s skin from irritations and provides essential nourishment to the skin. It is the only baby soap in the local market with the best mix of herbs, and has been improved with a new soothing fragrances that are mild on skin. The re-launch of Khomba Baby Soap range will keep baby’s skin clean, healthy and soft, which is essential for a baby’s comfort, the company said.

The main ingredient Khomba has been time tested herbal ingredient which has been used by Sri Lankan mothers for centuries, and Swadeshi the herbal personal care specialist for over 75 years has carefully selected these herbs to give you the best mix of herbs with highest standards. These mix of herbs have been used for generations to bathe babies to wash off germs naturally and use of a herbal ingredient on skin is always safe and gentle.

“As the country’s leading herbal personal care products company, we would like consumers to learn more about the functional benefits of the herbal ingredients used by Swadeshi in all its products, We use only the best of Sri Lankan herbs, and all ingredients are extensively researched, and the products fully tested to ensure quality and all our products are 100% Vegetarian and not tested on animals.” 

The Swadeshi Industrial Works PLC utilizes its state of the art facilities and modern research and development and manufacturing methodologies to innovate and bring new herbal personal care products to the market that delight the refined tastes of its customers. This emphasis is evident by the company’s investment in R&D. The company boasts of cutting edge technology laboratories and its processes have been certified to ISO 9001 – 2008 standard by the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI). 

Among the pioneer brands of Swadeshi are Khomba Herbal, Khomba Deo, Khomba Clear, Khomba Baby, Rani Sandalwood, Rani Rose, Apsara, Perlwite, Lak Bar, Lady, Black Eagle (Perfume & After Shave), Swadeshi shower gel range, the one and only kids range “Little Princess” and the newly launched Rani Sandal gel bar.

The company manufactures and markets the top herbal soap brand Khomba Herbal and heritage beauty soap brand Rani Sandalwood.