Koluu hosts one of a kind gastronomic journey at world’s tallest show apartment: Achilleion

Wednesday, 4 October 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Blue Mountain Apartments team and Koluu hosted VIP guests to a unique dining experience at the Achilleion show apartment during the evenings of the month of September. In line with the apartment’s seven-star premise, the dinners were carefully curated to provide guests a refined and upscale fine-dining experience in line with Koluu’s signature style. The show apartment proved to be the ideal location for Koluu’s dinners, giving guests a glimpse of what life had to offer at Achilleion. The Blue Mountain Apartments team is currently creating a line-up of similar experiences for the discerning apartment-seeker, to enjoy seven-star comforts in style.