Sunanda Kodagoda wins 1st and 2nd place for poetry and songs in Maharagama Literature Competition

Monday, 28 December 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Sunanda Kodagoda receiving trophies and certificates from Maharagama Divisional Secretary Dilrukshi Walpola 

Sunanda Kodagoda won the First Place in poetry and Second Place in songs writing in the Maharagama Regional Literature Competition conducted jointly by the Department of Cultural Affairs and Maharagama Divisional Secretariat concurrently with the National Literature and Art Festival. 

Sunanda Kodagoda also secured the First Place of Colombo District Literature Competition and Open Poetry Segment in the Maharagama Regional Literature Competition of the last two years. This time he secured the First Place at Literature Competition for poetry writing ‘Pelata Ena Meniketa’ and Second Place for song composing ‘Yuga Yuga Bebalena’.   

Sunanda Kodagoda being a poet, songs composer, journalist and veteran photographer, has gained several conquests in the fields of literature and photography in earlier occasions too. And he currently serves as an Officer of National Carrom Selection Committee of Carrom Federation of Sri Lanka and as a Media Officer. 

This time the Literature Art Festival was held at the Auditorium of Maharagama Divisional Secretariat under the patronage of District Secretary Pradeep Yasaratne, according to COVID-19 health guidelines.