A legend through time: Ramzi Rahaman

Thursday, 28 August 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

 Ramzi Rahaman creating a unique hairstyle
 Ramzi Rahaman
Ramzi Rahaman, the maestro in hair and fashion is all geared to breathe a new life into the hair and fashion industry of Sri Lanka with ‘Hair Couture’ – a unique extravaganza dedicated to showcase the timeless talent of Ramzi. The show divided into three sections – The past, the present and the future – will take place at The Grand Ballroom in the Galadari Hotel from 7:30 p.m. onwards on 29 September 2014 and will impart a distinctive experience. A born artist, Ramzi started dabbling in the hair fashion industry from the tender age of 16, having had the opportunity to learn from Logi Mariathasan, who he still fondly reminisces as his first teacher. The journey to cultivate this unique talent took Ramzi to London, a fashion capital in the world where he was able to hone his skills and gain exposure and first-hand experience to the latest trends in hair styles and technology in the hair and beauty industry. Returning to Sri Lanka, Ramzi opened a novel chapter in the field of fashion and beauty as he opened his own salon pioneering many trends and technologies that brought in new character to the industry. This cutting-edge approach and flair that Ramzi refined and sharpened through his nearly four decade long career will now manifest itself in the ‘Hair Couture’ that will take the guests through the times to showcase a versatility that will be truly unique in nature. Choreographed by Lou Ching Wong, the master choreographer, the show will be synchronised and perfectly timed leaving no gaps while providing non-stop viewing pleasure for the guests. Further, before the start of the show the guests will be treated in for a number of thrills such as a small competition for the trendiest hairstyle amongst the youngsters and more. During the show, ‘The Past’ styles of Ramzi will be revived once again paying tribute to the different eras while ‘The Present’ will be all about the trendy youth of today, not forgetting kids where Ramzi will reveal a multitude of hair styles that will be street smart as well as trendy for the fashion conscious men and women of today. ‘The Future’ will unveil a more imaginary and futuristic approach that will lend a whimsical air to the show. Apart from all these the ‘Fantasy’ segment will bring a rush of colour with body painting and hair structures adding glitz and glamour. To top it all off, the master himself, Ramzi will make an appearance as well. “Hair Couture is a stylised hair show which the up and coming hair stylists or people in the hair and fashion industry should come to see. I’m showcasing this especially for the hairdressers and the up and coming talent to know the work that I have created and accomplished over the years, and how I have come up to this level,” said Ramzi revealing the motive behind orchestrating this unique show. With a number of high profile clientele that includes First Lady Shiranthi Rajapaksa, former president Chandrika Kumaratunga Bandaranaike and her daughter and a host of others, Ramzi is a revolutionist, performer, star maker, pioneer and much more. His show ‘Hair Couture’ will showcase his legend through time, which will undoubtedly continue to shine for many long years to come. All proceeds from the show will be given to the Menhandy School for the Exceptional Child and tickets are available at Ramzi Salons at Borella and Galadari, Spa Ceylon at Crescat Boulevard and WHITE by Spa Ceylon at Ward Place.