A New Year dawns at Jetwing Hotels

Tuesday, 10 April 2012 01:05 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The melodious call of the Koha bird (the Asian Koel), heralds the dawn of the New Year, an event steeped in auspice and tradition. Reminiscent of the festival of Christmas, the Sinhalese and Tamil New Year is a time for family, for celebration and expectation for the year to come. With smiles and laughter all around, as well as delicious sweetmeats and community games, Avurudu is definitely not to be missed!

This Avurudu, Jetwing Hotels offers visitors the chance to participate in an authentic Sri Lanka New Year, with properties around the country holding the traditional games such as the popular Kotta Pora (pillow fight atop a pole), Lissana gahe (climbing the greased pole) as well as selection f the Avurudu Kumari (New Year Queen) amongst many others, as well as sweetmeats such as kavum, kokkis and plenty of king coconut!

In Negombo, Jetwing Blue and Jetwing Beach are pulling out all the stops: Beginning early at 7a.m., a mini-marathon of 3km will kick-off the day’s fun. The hoisting of the national flag, as well as traditional activities such as the boiling of milk, the lighting of the oil lamp, as well as the beating of the raban will signify the commencement of a new year; a fresh start. Games and competitions follow, with sack races and bun eating for children, traditional drama and songs, tug o’ war as well as the ever popular kana mutti (type of piñata) being some of the events planned. The day’s proceedings will come to a close with the selection of the Avurudu Kumari, and the distribution of gifts. Jetwing Beach will continue the festivities; holding a swimming competition as well as sand castle competition for kids on the 14th of April, as well as the renowned “Go Sri Lankan” promotion from the 15 to 21 April at the Black Coral restaurant. Jetwing Ayurveda Pavilions, Sri Lanka’s premier wellness resort will host a special Sweetmeat Breakfast for guests on 14 April, as well as the anointing of oil at the auspicious time. Jetwing Sea begins their programme on 11 April, with a traditional “Avurudu Ulela” at the Lellama restaurant, and will celebrate the dawn of the New Year with a breakfast buffet featuring Sri Lankan sweetmeats, and till 17 April will feature themed buffet meals.

Jetwing Vil Uyana, described as “probably the best eco-resort in Sri Lanka” by Harper’s Bazaar UK, begins their Avurudu programme at 10a.m., with the hoisting of the national flag to the stirring tones of the Sri Lankan National Anthem. Afterwards, guests are to be welcomed in the traditional manner, with the presentation of betel leaves, and the festivities begin with the lighting of the oil lamp. Games for children will be held first, with activities such as the bursting of balloons, and bun eating; followed by kana mutti and other activities. At noon, the tug o’ war will be held, with stalls providing freshly cut king coconut as well as ice cream and other sweetmeats.

Jetwing Lighthouse, Galle will begin their Avurudu activities in the afternoon, with the traditional

lighting of the oil lamp and boiling of milk; followed by children’s games. The games for adults follow, primarily the tug o’ war and kana mutti, after which the selection of the Avurudu Kumari will take place. The day will come to an end with a tug o’ war contested by associates of Jetwing Lighthouse in friendly competition, and with the distribution of gifts and prizes.

A few miles away, Tangalla Bay by Jetwing is heavily into the occasion, with games galore organized on the tempting beachfront, including aliyata asa tabima (placing the eyes on a drawn elephant), the much loved children’s lime and spoon race and musical chairs, as well as bun eating.

The hills of Sri Lanka are a popular family destination in the month of April, and Jetwing St. Andrew’s has the entire month planned. With theme nights, food festivals and plenty of special offers, a stay at Jetwing St. Andrew’s is the perfect venue to relax after events such as the Hill Club Tennis Tournament, The Governor’s Cup, as well as DJ nights. A few examples of the planned events include Chinese Dinner Buffets, Chef’s Night Buffets, Happy Hours, Waffle Corners and Kokkis with Tea, to live entertainment in the evenings. The 14 of April is to be quite a busy day, with the MotoCross at the NEM Racing Complex, as well as the Hill Club Tennis Tournament, and a special Sri Lankan Carnival Buffet at Jetwing St. Andrew’s in the night, not to be missed!