A special Mother’s Day at Galadari

Friday, 12 May 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

01Celebrate Mother’s Day in a special way this year at the Galadari Hotel. Make mom feel truly loved and appreciated. Give her that special gift of love courtesy of the Galadari. 

The hotel has special promotions running for Mother’s Day commencing at the Café 64 from 13 to 14 May from 10a.m. to 7p.m. This will be the perfect way to make mom feel special, a wide selection of Mother’s Day inspired treats available to choose from.

Mother’s Day Lunch is at the Coffee Shop on 14May from 12noon to 1p.m. Mom gets to enjoy a 50% discount, decorate a cupcake for Mom, entrance draw for moms and moms celebrating their birthday on 14 May dine free also get a free family photograph (conditions apply).

So if you are planning to give mom the ultimate Mother’s Day gift come to the Galadari and experience an unforgettable Mother’s Day.