‘An Evening of Luxurious Indulgence’ by Sifani

Tuesday, 27 May 2014 00:35 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Step in and embrace the beauty and elegance of the exclusive designs created by Sifani. The second of a series of special events planned for the year, an ‘Evening of Luxurious Indulgence’ was held amidst much glamour at The Sifani Gallery, No 86, Galle Road, Colombo. Following the theme under the ‘Sun, Sand, Luxury’ Collection, the evening was all about providing a closer look at the exquisite designs created by Sifani. Each piece, timeless in its essence, showcased the splendour of the gems used, intricacies involved and the excellent craftsmanship. The jewellery collection was perfectly matched with the ‘Sun, Sand’ collection designed by Buddhi Batiks with the designs of Sifani impeccably portrayed in each line of the patterns created. The evening was filled with many hidden surprises that provided much entertainment for the invitees. Designers of the jewellery pieces were at hand to answer any query so that the guests were able to understand and know how each piece was crafted. The evening concluded with cocktails and tapas, creating the perfect ending for a glamorous yet fun night out.