Australian investment property showcase by Dwellings Group a success

Tuesday, 27 August 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Dwellings Property Group has successfully conducted several rounds of one-on-one investment advisory sessions in Colombo. The company said that the programs held at the Cinnamon Grand had attracted investors from all over Sri Lanka, giving Dwellings Group an opportunity to introduce Australian property-based investment solutions to both short-term and long-term investment seekers. Dwellings Group has surprised investors with lucrative investment options such as display house projects which gives a guaranteed rental returns for the first two years enabling the investors to receive returns over Rs. 300,000 per month. With a unique proposition for the investors to own an investment property by investing only a 25%- 30% of the property value, Dwellings Group provides the rest of the finance through leading banks of Australia. Being a true one-stop shop, Dwellings Group provides a true full turnkey solution where they look into financing, constructing, renting, maintaining and selling of the said investment properties. May it be an investment or a home for the family to reside in, Dwellings Group is the best solution provider an investor can rely on. Among the participants were prominent businessmen and well-known personalities who were keen on investing in the Australian property market, having understood the benefits and returns of the offered proposition. Another unique attribute of this program is that it helps investors bring foreign currency back into Sri Lanka via the returns gained on the appreciated properties in three-five years. Another key attribute most of the investors were interested in was that after investing 25% of the property value, the income generated via renting out the houses/apartments is covered the bank mortgage. What this means to an investor is, after the initial investment, the investors does not have the burden of maintaining the properties and settling the mortgage on a monthly basis. In a nutshell, this means the investors get an opportunity to purchase property at 25% of the market price on which he/she can reap the benefits once the property prices appreciate. The ‘rental guarantee’ offered by Dwellings Group is another key confidence builder for Sri Lankan investors which makes decision-making much easier. The focus of the property showcase was to educate Sri Lankan investors on the business benefits on investing in Australian properties and to present different investment property options, starting from city apartments to four-bedroom houses in the booming suburbs of Melbourne. The company noted that it was an ideal opportunity for local investors to spend quality time with the Dwellings’ Investment Property consultants’ team on a one-on-one basis. Investors were educated on the opportunities that are currently prevailing in Australia as it is an ideal time for investors to invest in Australia as the Australian dollar has come down dramatically. Founded by three Sri Lankan entrepreneurs, Dwellings Group Ltd. is a leading property development and marketing company based out of Melbourne, Australia. Dwellings Group brings together key expertise on property development to give a solid investment platform to investors through property development. They focus on assisting their clients to create wealth by investing in Australian property and by educating clients on investment strategies. Dwellings Group is truly a one-stop shop for the astute investor. It offers the following services for local and overseas investors: Property development, property management, home loan finance, legal services, immigration services and investment advice.