Brian and Kamil design for beauty queens

Friday, 22 August 2014 01:09 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

“From the time I showcased at the Runway 2014, people who had all thought of me as being a choreographer saw me in a different light – the Franchise Director Sri Lanka for Miss Universe being one of them,” said Brian Kerkoven. Brian, who designed the stunning gown worn by Marianne Page, who will represent Sri Lanka at the Miss Universe pageant, was inundated with compliments over his stunning gown, as was Kamil Hewawitarana, who designed the gown worn by Tamara Makalande who will represent Sri Lanka at the Miss International pageant. Brian and Kamil were both full of praise for Rosita Wickramasinghe who over the years has worked tirelessly to make these pageants a reality. “When Rosita asked me if I would design the evening dress for the Winner of Miss Sri Lanka for Miss Universe, I was so happy I just said yes....I know how hard she works to help girls to compete at the various prestigious pageants of which she is the Franchise Director, so I did not hesitate even for a minute,” said Brian. Kamil who is now a very familiar face in the world of fashion, is now making himself known as a designer as well. Both Brian and Kamil went to great pains to ensure that the gowns they designed were exquisite and befitting the title holders and all Colombo’s fashionistas can look forward to some exciting designs from these two talented guys. “Most of the people in the audience, loved our creations and this made us very happy,” said Brian and Kamil.