Cavinkare launches Nyle Facewash

Thursday, 17 July 2014 00:34 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Cavinkare, one of India’s leading FMCG manufacturers, announced the launch of its new Nyle Naturals Facewash range in Sri Lanka. The new offering from the Cavinkare portfolio has three variants with the goodness of natural ingredients. Carrot, which is known for being rich in vitamins, is used to nourish  skin, neem (Kohomba), known for its antiseptic properties protects skin from pimples and turmeric, known for fighting germs, dust and pollution, helps to give soft and glowing skin. Each variant is also formulated with aloe vera which is renowned for its moisturising and soothing properties and ability to leave skin hydrated and pampered. The new range of products will be available in convenient sizes of 60 ml, 115 ml and 215 ml at all grocery, cosmetic and supermarket stores. International Business Vice President K.R. Venkataraman said, “We launched Nyle Naturals Lotion last year and it has been very well received in Sri Lanka and now we are extending the Nyle Naturals range to include facewash as well. With a new formula and exciting fragrance I am sure the new Nyle Facewash will make a splash in the market by nourishing and protecting skin.” Cavinkare has been in Sri Lanka for the last nine years and has been expanding its portfolio with products from shampoos to fairness creams to deodorants to talcum powders. It has been reinforcing its foundation with new product launches like Nyle Naturals Lotion and now Nyle Naturals Facewash, thereby accelerating its growth in the skin care market.