Charitable foundation ‘Because We Believe’ to create better tomorrow for children

Wednesday, 30 July 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Because We Believe is a charitable foundation in Sri Lanka working hand in hand with its Canadian counterpart and is committed towards uplifting the standards of education and eradicating poverty to create a better tomorrow for children. Whilst achieving its goals of bringing about an attitudinal change in society, Because We Believe has already contributed in the form of several community causes, both online and offline since it was founded on 16 July 2009, and this will be the Foundation’s next step in moving ahead with a positive vision to ensure that all children have equal access to education. Anuruddha Weeraratna, Founder of Because We Believe, addressing a press conference said: “Sri Lanka, or Ceylon, as it was known at the time, was a country filled with abundant resources and countless opportunities. Ruled by the great kings of the ancient kingdoms, we were self-sufficient in almost all aspects. But then, invaders conquered our lands, wars were waged and nearly 70 decades later, today, our country is beginning to prosper once more. In the wake of such a prosperous era, it is our responsibility to ensure that all children have the unique opportunity to learn in an environment that is conducive for such educational activity. Their dream is to shine in a successfully thriving Mother Lanka. “In this country, there are those that need a helping hand, and if we can help them get onto the right path, that would be the turning point of their lives, and one by one, millions of lives will be changed for a better tomorrow. It feels truly amazing to be able to give something back to the society which I grew up in and I am greatly humbled by the overwhelming support extended by our Canadian partners to make this a success. I look forward to the days ahead where we make a difference in the lives of these children. “Our goal is to make their dreams a reality, because it is they who will grow up to be the future of Sri Lanka. If we come together, regardless of our differences, the prosperous future that we all hope for will arrive sooner in our lives, spiritually and otherwise, and most importantly, make our future generations proud to belong to one nation in one world.” He further stated that Because We Believe has several other upcoming projects, such as August Wish committed towards similar causes.