CMEC holds art competition for a ‘Better Tomorrow’

Wednesday, 30 July 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

‘Better Tomorrow,’ an art competition organised by CMEC (China Machinery Engineering Corporation), completed its final round at the BMICH on 26 July, with First Lady Shiranthi Wickremasinghe Rajapakse gracing the occasion as Chief Guest. Other dignitaries at the competition included Ding Yue, wife of the Chinese Ambassador, Wang Ludong, CMEC’s Deputy General Manager (DGM), and a contingent of CMEC officials. The art competition organised by CMEC, the construction company of the Lakvijaya Coal Fired Power Plant, had over 200 students representing local schools universities and private educational institutes from the Western Province participating in its first round, which was held over a period of one week beginning 10 July. The students who were provided canvasses to develop their artistic creations were given two themes to express messages to society i.e. to create awareness on ‘Environmental Protection’ and uplifting the living standard of the poor. At the end of the first round, 50 artists were selected and each was provided with canvass, paints and other equipment to create their paintings under one of the two themes. The concept behind the art competition was to use this highly visual creative medium to send strong messages to the public on less privileged societies that exist among us; as well as to highlight environmental pollution and its damaging effects on society and the need to protect environment and save energy. The initial and final rounds of the competition were judged by R.M. Dharmasena, lecturer from the University of Visual and Performing Arts, along with Sarath Gunasiri and Kosala Priyam Kumara, Lecturer, Cultural Centre, University of Colombo. Kumara coordinated the competition, and the same panel of judges also adjudged the final round. The judging was done, taking into consideration several criteria, such as the best idea/concept, composition and creativity, etc. Winners in the overall competition were awarded prizes and certificates by the First Lady accompanied by the DGM of CMEC. Winner of the first prize in the overall category was Vijayi Sulakkhana Jayasinghe of Museaus College, with second and third places won by Dulansa Dinadi of WP/GM Sidhartha Kumara Vidyalaya and Dinith Edirisinghe of Isipathana College, respectively. There were three special categories which were also awarded prizes and certificates i.e. Painting with the Best Composition was won by Vijayi Sulakkhana Jayasinghe, best painting under the theme ‘Power & Energy Saving’ won by A.H.M.R.D. Amarakoon of Anula Vidyalaya and best painting under ‘Environmental Protection’ won by Tithira Edirisinghe of Isipathana College. Altogether 20 consolation prizes were given to the artists to encourage them to hone their talents in the future. The best 30 paintings of the competition are to be exhibited on a future date, in order to extend the efforts of the company to create awareness on environmental protection and saving energy as well as to provide more opportunities for the young artists to gain wider exposure. The exhibition also aims to create a platform through which the message of environment protection and saving energy could be further transmitted to the general public.