Creating awareness through ‘Earth Walk 2012’

Saturday, 24 March 2012 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The world is looking towards making bold and concrete decisions which will enable policies, funding and political will, for sustainable development at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development also known as the Rio+20 which will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, this June.

However, none of this would possible without the crucial support and contribution from the civil society and, in particular, from youth. Hence, campaigns are carried out world over by youth for the purpose of creating awareness, being the force to drive world leaders to make sustainable decisions to create a better tomorrow.

The National Road to Rio+20 Campaign (NRR+20 C) is the only national youth mobilization towards the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in Sri Lanka and is organized by British Council Global Changemakers, National Youth Services Council - Sri Lanka, Colombo Operated Model United Nations and Academy of Design. So far the campaign has been endorsed by The Ministry of Youth Affiars and Skills Development- Sri Lanka, UNEP, TUNZA, WICPER and SAYEN and is supported by leading youth and environmental organizations in Sri Lanka and overseas.

The ‘Earth Walk 2012’ has been organised as a part of this mega campaign, with the intention of creating awareness about current global issues such as climate change, the energy crisis and sustainable development, especially among the youth.

This walk which expects an outcome of about 1000 youth participants will take place on 1 April and will commence at the Police Park Grounds, Colombo and will go up to the Viharamahadevi Open Air Theater, where several activities including mural painting by all participants, DJ and a band show featuring five emerging youth bands will take place.