Discover Salvage

Saturday, 3 March 2012 00:07 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The smallest of efforts can make the greatest of impacts on our community and Salvage invites you to take a front-row-seat in witnessing how. Salvage’s purpose to recycle and to rehabilitate by creating beautiful keepsakes from discarded materials will be showcased in a 10-dayart exhibition starting 8th March, 2012. The exhibition will display handmade pieces that are both creative and inspiring to bring the viewer into Salvage’s magical world – a world of beauty through perspective and possibilities through action.

The art exhibition will be held at Saskia Fernando Gallery, located at 61 Dharmapala MW, Colombo 07. It is a free event and will be open to the public from 10a.m. to 6p.m. daily.  

As a project through Community Concern Society(CCS), Salvage’s most important role is its position as a fundraiser for the Drop in Centre for people living with HIV, ‘Heavena’ Battered Women’s Shelter and other CCS projects. After funding promises from other sources deteriorated, Salvage took on the challenge to keep these vital centres open and do so with all of its profits.

Salvage not only helps projects through CCS, but also helps the surrounding communities.

With designs donated by Ruby Studio, women and children from these communities are the underprivileged hands that make the beautiful pieces for Salvage. It is a come-as-you-please employment where all are welcome.

Through the art exhibition Salvage hopes to spread awareness of its cause so it can grow and continue to provide aid to those who need it. Although the pieces Salvage creates are unique, charming and delightful, the true beauty does not lie in the tangible objects that are on display; these enchanting designs are a manifestation of the intangible beauty that lies in helping those in need – the real brilliance that Salvage creates. Come experience Salvage and be witness to its small steps toward making a big difference.For more information about Salvage visit or visit

For more information contact Saskia Fernando Gallery at +94(11)7429010 or visit their website at