Dreamron Cosmetics expands market to Myanmar

Friday, 5 May 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

01Dreamron Sri Lanka’s premier brand of cosmetics and the largest exporter of hair and skin cosmetics launched its product range at the Hledan Center in Yangon Myanmar amidst a large and distinguished gathering last month. Among the invitees were Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Myanmar Nimal Karunaratna, Minister of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Myanmar G.A. Senaratna, 

Dreamron Group of Companies Chairman Dr. Priyanka Perera and Myanmar Access International Ltd. Managing Director Dr. Than Lwin. Leading beauticians in Yangon, popular TV and cinema actresses, members of the business community and Sri Lankan expatriates in Myanmar also were present.

The Chairman of Dreamron stated in his speech that he was happy to enter Myanmar an emerging market in Asia for cosmetics, and will use its expertise achieved globally to help in marketing of Dreamron branded products in the professional segment initially. The Managing Director of Myanmar Access International Ltd. said that he was happy to partner Dreamron and to distribute a product of world class.

Dreamron being a leader and a trendsetter in the cosmetic industry in Sri Lanka and which exports to around 30 plus countries, will use its expertise in marketing and distribution of Dreamron branded products primarily in the professional segment in Myanmar.03