DSI launches Xquila benchmark branded shoes for men

Thursday, 14 August 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

DSI has launched a new brand of shoes Xquila to the local market. The company said Xquila is the new trendsetter that demonstrates style and class, will embark on a fashion expedition that is destined to raise the bar in the local footwear industry. Xquila echoes its pride as a local brand since all material chosen in production is from Sri Lanka. The choice of material in the manufacturing process determines the quality of the product and amplifies the strength between brand and quality which is the underlining reason for Xquila to rigorously select the material used to produce an exceptional product. The core reason that sets Xquila apart from others is the level of attention given to each shoe in the design and production process. To ensure that quality plays an integral part in production, every shoe is hand made with very limited machinery work involved. Each shoe is carefully crafted by some of the most experienced experts in the footwear industry.  Offering pumps and lacing that is matched by no other, Xquila will offer a range of 24 flawless and elegant designs that will be the distinctive difference in class and style, guaranteed to set you apart. Xquila creates distinctive personalities with its unique styling and unparalleled quality.