Elephant House Hot Dog Show Down 2014

Monday, 2 June 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Elephant House Sausages recently hosted its grand Hot Dog Show Down with the partnership of Rotaract Club of IIT. It was an event filled with excitement and flavour, concluded on a high note with the proceedings of the event being donated to Maharagama Cancer Hospital as a charity initiative. Over 200 participants took part in this event and strong brand engagement was seen amongst this younger generation who were relishing the taste of EH Hot Dogs. John Keells Holdings Vice President and Keells Food Products PLC Head of Sales and Marketing Neil Samarasinghe, commenting on the revival of the premium Elephant House brand, said that the brand was synonymous with hot dogs in Sri Lanka in the early sixties, seventies, and eighties. “Our traditional sauce is the ‘secret’ which nobody can ever match. However, over time a host of competitors entered the market and changing palates meant that the EH Sausage brand was overpowered by many other brands… That is when we decided to rejuvenate the premium EH brand and encourage a whole new generation to experience its taste and quality while retaining our loyal consumers,” added Samarasinghe. “The biggest challenge was to connect the emerging youth with a brand that was perceived to be ‘old’. We leveraged on social media (‘Secrets’ fan page on Facebook) extensively to connect with this generation (Generation Y & Z) and make the prestigious EH brand more familiar among them,” said Elephant House Sausages Assistant Brand Manager Nuwan Rathnayaka. Elephant House Sausages have been a distinctively Sri Lankan brand since its launch in 1966, providing consumers with premium products that are on par with international standards.