Gifts that keep on giving

Saturday, 17 November 2012 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

A sense of self worth is a state of mind most of us take for take for granted. However, for those who are mentally disadvantaged, this sense is more difficult to come by, the reason being that completing the most simplest of tasks poses a challenge.

Giving such individuals a sense of worth is the foundation on which The Colombo Centre for Special Education has been built on – a rehabilitation centre with a 36-year history of bringing a smile to those afflicted with Down Syndrome, autism and cerebral palsy as well as to those who are physically handicapped.

This non-profit organisation which consists of full time and volunteer staff members caters to the needs of these individuals. These mentally disadvantaged individuals are schooled each day from 8.15 a.m. to 1 p.m.

In addition, they enjoy a variety of household, creative and recreational activities as well as regular outings. These activities provide a short respite to those who care for them on a daily basis in their homes. The Centre is also looking into the possibility of long-term care needs when those who care for these disadvantaged individuals at present are unable to do so.

To maintain this level of activity, the Colombo Centre for Special Education continuously depends on donations by well-wishers and organises fundraising events. With this aim the centre will hold an Annual Sale on 24 November 2012 at 80/7, Layards Road, Colombo 5 to sell handicrafts created by these mentally disadvantaged individuals. Each item on sale has been made by the hands of these individuals who have created them with the sole intention of bringing a sense of joy to the owner.

Each donation and each purchase will help the Centre continue in their efforts to provide for these individuals. With this aim in mind, the Colombo Centre for Special Education requests the general public to support its cause and purchase a gift from this sale which will undoubtedly keep on giving.