Grand’s trendsetting Travis Casather launches debut album ‘Haaskama’

Tuesday, 15 May 2012 00:20 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The multitalented, Travis Casather of Cinnamon Grand who is the Assistant Manager Restaurants and Bars, launched his debut album ‘Haaskama’ (Miracle) at Sequel last week.  

The first copy of his album was handed over to Cinnamon Grand General Manager Rohan Karr. The album features melodic tunes and lyrics that Travis says was inspired by his daughter. According to him she was his inspiration and tutor. Travis known for his 24/7 customer care is a popular figure at the Grand given his commitment to go the extra mile for customers 365 days of the year.

Travis overlooks the Cinnamon Grand 13 F&B outlets; despite the heavy workload he says he was inspired to learn music due to the keenness of his16-year old daughter Farah.

“The album is a tribute to her and all the encouragement she gave me, to realize a lifelong dream,” he says.

The album has a wide repertoire of songs and is available at Cinnamon Grand Colombo. For more information contact 077 3945356