Guidebook on Sri Lanka in Russian published

Saturday, 21 April 2012 01:21 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Sri Lanka’s embassy in Russia has completed an innovative project to further promote Sri Lanka as the preferred tourism destination among the Russian people. Under this project, which was ably supported by Sri Lanka Tourism, they have compiled a tourist guidebook on Sri Lanka in the Russian language and two audio CD’s containing details of 21 places to visit in Sri Lanka.

The first copies of Russian language guidebook and CDs were handed over to the Chairman of Sri Lanka Tourism, Dr. Nalaka Godahewa and Managing Director of Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, Rumy Jauffer by the Sri Lankan Ambassador in Russia Udayanga Weeratunga in Colombo earlier this week. Acting Director General of Sri Lanka Tourism was also present at the occasion.

The tourist guidebook, which contains 296 pages, includes a country profile, places to visit in Sri Lanka, hotel and other accommodation information, available leisure activities and emergency numbers. Meanwhile, the two CDs will give the listener a detailed description of 21 places in Sri Lanka that tourists would like to visit.

Addressing the gathering at the launch in Colombo, Sri Lanka Tourism Chairman Dr. Nalaka Godahewa appreciated the efforts by Sri Lanka’s Ambassador in Russia adding, “This guidebook will help the Russian tourists to get a clear and proper understanding about Sri Lanka.” He further said that based on this guidebook, Sri Lanka Tourism will take steps to produce guidebooks in other languages as well through the respective Sri Lankan diplomatic missions.   

Meanwhile, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador in Russia Udayanga Weeratunga pointed out, “There’s a remarkable rise in tourists arrivals to Sri Lanka from Russia and it is vital to create proper channels for them to obtain necessary information about Sri Lanka.” He added, “It was the main reason that encouraged us to undertake the production of this guidebook and audio CDs.” He was optimistic that these productions will help the industry to attract more tourists from Russia.

The Ambassador added that this publication would have not been made possible without the support of Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, especially the contribution of Rumy Jauffer, Managing Director of Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau.  

Jauffer also addressed the distinguished gathering stating, “This was a timely publication and it will also be published in other languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Arabic in the near future for the convenience of the front office sales staff of tour operators.”

Jauffer disclosed that this guidebook will also be available on Sri Lanka Tourism’s official website, as an e-guide book. “I take this opportunity to thank to the ambassador and his staff in Russia for their untiring efforts in this exercise.”

Sri Lanka Tourism says the Russian language guidebook and two CDs that were launched will be issued to hotels and tour operators with immediate effect.