HSBC celebrates Avurudu with deserving children

Friday, 18 April 2014 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

HSBC’s annual Avurudu festival for children got underway at ‘Ape Gama’, Battaramulla recently. Over 250 children from the Meth Mihira Special Education Centre, Sri Sangamiththa Balika Niwasaya, Clarandon Children’s Home, Salvation Army Girls School and Community Concern Centre, came together to enjoy the Avurudu festivities. The event was attended by HSBC’s senior management and over hundred staff members. In keeping with the symbolic traditions of Avurudu, the event began with the hearth being lit to boil milk, followed by the lighting of the oil lamp. Children were served Avurudu kevili including fresh kevum which was prepared at the venue. There were many fun activities planned for the day including Avurudu games and dancing which showcased the talents of children. The melodious ‘raban’ sound was another element that added colour to the festivities, along with the Avurudu Kumara, Avurudu Kumari and Fancy Dress competitions that were the highlights of the day.