Ini-Avan at Cannes

Tuesday, 15 May 2012 00:31 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Asoka Handagama’s latest movie, which had its international premiere at  the 13th Jeonju International Film Festival 2012, South Korea, has been picked for the ACID Cannes 2012 Program, which will take place during the International Film Festival in Cannes from  17 to 26 May.

ACID (Association du Cinéma Indépendant pour sa Diffusion) is a film directors’ association that has been promoting the diffusion of independent films in movie theatres and encouraging debates between authors and the audience.

Every year, ACID presents nine films in Cannes during the festival.

After Cannes, ACID presents the films to 40 festivals in France and abroad. The ACID Cannes program is then shown in the fall: in Paris, in 30 movie theatres in the Parisian area, in region, and in Miami (USA). Ini Avan has already been listed for many independent international festivals around the world.

The film will also be released to theatres in France, by Heleoprophe Films.   Directed by Handagama, Ini Avan cast includes Darshan Dharmaraj, Niranjani Shanmugaraja, Subashini Balasubramaniun, Raja Ganeshan, Malcolm Machado and King Rathnam. Cinematography is by veteran Channa Deshapriya, music by Kapila Poogala Arachchi, art direction by Sunil Wijerathne.

For E-Culture Productions, Ini Avan is co-produced by Jagath Wellawatte ana Anura Fernando.