Islamic monuments of India

Saturday, 3 March 2012 00:09 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Text and pix by Ruzaik Farook

The Indian Cultural Centre organized an exhibition titled ‘Islamic Monuments of India’ at the Zahira College Colombo recently which was inaugurated by the High Commissioner of India in Sri Lanka Ashok K. Kantha.

 The exhibition showcases a stunning display of India’s architectural heritage a photographic exhibition entitled Islamic Monuments of India by photographers Benoy K. Behl and Abhinav Atris.

  Benoy K. Behl is a filmmaker, art historian and photographer. Over the last 32 years, he has taken over 35.000 photographs of monuments and works of art that are part of Asia’s heritage and made a hundred documentaries on art history. Abhinav Atris captures the world of heritage and images of historical importance.

This exhibition includes some highly distinctive innovations in architecture in locations such as Karnataka, Andra Pradesh, Gujarat and Kashmir.

Zahira College Principal Mohamed Jiffry, Deputy Principal Rizvi Marikkar and Indian Embassy officials were also present at the opening ceremony.