It’s ‘summerlicious’ 2014 at Harpo’s Cafes & Restaurants

Friday, 11 July 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Summer time is holiday time for most, to just chill out with colleagues, friends and family and enjoy the holiday months. With this in mind the “Summer’licious” promotion is on at the Bay leaf, The Commons, Park Street Mews, Curve Bar, Colombo Fort café and Harpo’s pizza for July and August. “With many on holiday, and holidaymakers from overseas travelling to visit family and enjoy what we have to offer, we felt it the ideal time and a great promotion to focus on vibrant salads, fruity desserts and light main meals, best eaten al fresco with special menus to promote this theme. Summer’licious is all about food, drinks and music, sending happy vibes for all to enjoy,” says MD Harpo Gooneratne. Every season brings its unique tastes and traditional recipes. These hot season favourites will be a hit. A couple of these great dishes and a cool breeze is all you need to make a hot, lazy day just about perfect. Here are our picks for the coolest foods to enjoy during the holiday times: The Bay leaf promotes Italian salads, anti pasti selection, fresh pasta with light cream sauces, Italian sausages, grilled fish, octopus, poached pears and ice cream or a light chocolate tart for dessert. The Retro bar offers a choice of mocktails and cocktails with tropical seasonal fruit – passion fruit and also pomegranate blended with liquor to add that zest and fizz. The wine spritzers and roses are also a cool option. Colombo Fort cafe at the Dutch hospital complex has  euro-med summer classics with shrimp tikka with fresh mango chutney, cheddar dogs with cider braised leeks & apples  and watermelon & strawberry lemonade to cool off with. The Commons Coffee House of course has its excellent burger selection along with roasted red pepper, carrot and tomato soup, tandoori kebabs, beef nachos and the dessert cupboard offering delicious summer desserts. Park street Mews features pea and mint soup, quiche, crispy skinned  salmon, grilled lamb chop with summer grilled vege, and homemade lemon ice cream to name a few. Curve Bar is all geared with summer entertainment with Tanuja on Fridays and guest artist from Canada – Natalya featured from 25 July till end August. Saturdays feature DJ Hitch and with Daniels healthy juices and the extensive cocktail menu and Tapas range the Curve Bar will be a definite venue to enjoy this summer months. Harpo’s Pizza has a new range of summer pizzas for all. We give you all the reasons to enjoy the ultimate summer experience, with the Summer’licious promo to have fun and chill out at The Bayleaf, Park Street Mews, Colombo Fort café, Curve Bar, Commons Coffee House and Harpo’s pizza.