Keells Fun Lab inspires kids to create Cheesy Blast and Power Snack

Friday, 6 January 2012 00:26 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Keells Food Products PLC (KFP), today introduced its latest project ‘Keells Fun Lab’ (KFL).

The fundamental part of the KFL mission is to promote creativity in children by organizing interactive guided sessions with experts, that are designed to create a unique experience that unites having fun with learning new artistic/creative techniques. Most children in today’s society are not given the opportunity to identify their artistic capability; KFL understands that promoting the development of this unique feature in the early stage is an important element in the success of their adult life.

“Creativity and imaginations are important elements in child development. The imagination of a child is limitless, they just need a routine breaker from the very tedious tech driven lifestyle which they are currently exposed too” said Nishantha Jayasooriya – CEO, Keells Food Products PLC and Vice President, John Keells Group.

The creation of the KFL concept also led to the introduction of KFP’s all new fun combinations, ‘Cheesy Blast’ and ‘Power Snack’. The new products consist of wholesome additions such as cheese, dhal and vegetables.

Kids are constantly looking for new fun ways of keeping themselves entertained, especially when it comes to food. Created by kids for kids, ‘Cheesy Blast’ and ‘Power Snack’ are unique creations inspired by a group of young children in an endeavor by KFP to incorporate fun in to all sorts of creative activities including food.

  “It was simply amazing to see how creative and imaginative kids can get if we provide them with the support and guidance they require. Kids discover through experiment and experiments are what lead to new combinations. ‘Cheesy Blast’ and ‘Power Snack’ is today introduced to the market as a token of appreciation and gratitude to the kids who were involved in the innovation,” said Samari Ihalagedara – Head of Marketing, Keells Food Products PLC and Assistant Vice President, John Keells Group. She further said, “At Keells we’re always looking for new ways to help mums give their children wholesome, great tasting food that they love and most importantly making meal times more fun for all.” Both products are novel in nature and is set to revolutionize the category they operate in. ‘Cheesy Blast’ is a sausage with a yummy cheese filled center.

Creating a meal in one, to best suit the dynamic lifestyle is the ‘Power Snack’. This sausage is filled with red rice, dhal and vegetables, making it a good quality protein for growing kids.

The products are created to encourage healthier snacking whilst adding a fun element to meals so that kids will eagerly look forward to it.

Creative experts such as Ashanthi De Silva, Sarath Kavirathna and renowned Chef Tony Bohoran have all volunteered to extend their support for the first ever KFL event to be held on the 7th of January 2012 starting 2pm at the Keells Super Union Place Car Park. The event is opened to the general public at large.