Lankan born Emmanuel to open Gibraltar Fashion Week as VIP guest

Thursday, 19 April 2012 01:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Emmanuel Ray, winner of Fashions Finest’s Fashion Icon of the Year award (2011), has been asked to officially open Gibraltar Fashion Week commencing 19 April 2012.

Emmanuel will meet with fashion designers, press and a selection of important members of the Gibraltarian government.

Reene Weston, designer and organiser had the following to say about why she chose Emmanuel to officially open the event.

This exciting new event has been put together to promote and create opportunities for both national and international designers who create finely tailored garments. Emmanuel Ray has always been in support of helping both up and coming and undiscovered talent within the fashion industry.

“I’m very happy to be opening the inaugural Gibraltar Fashion Week, representing Britain in yet another international project. I am thrilled to be part of this event, which I consider historic! Fashion bridges barriers between countries and continents, creating a global platform where brands, designers, consumers and buyers can connect. I have always enjoyed both discovering and supporting up and coming designers and new brands in the industry, and I am eagerly looking forward to opening this event,” said Emmanuel Ray.

Gibraltar Fashion Week will feature its runway shows at the impressive Tercentenary Hall Courtyard and hold the designers exhibition at the Casemates Galleries from 19 to 21 April 2012.

Named ‘Britain’s First It Boy’ by the BBC’s entertainment correspondent Paul Conway, Emmanuel Ray won Fashion Icon of the Year 2011 at Fashions Finest Awards UK, garnering maximum votes from the British public and from fans and followers overseas.

Born and raised in extreme poverty in war-torn Sri Lanka, Emmanuel Ray became a dancer at the tender age of six and a model when he was 15. Having worked in Asia, the Middle East and in Europe, Emmanuel started his career as a fashion presenter and commentator in Britain, in March 2009.

Emmanuel Ray is the first ethnic minority and the first Asian to have won a Fashion Icon award in Britain and in Europe in general. He is known supporting diversity and multi-culturalism through all his work.

Fashion TV’s UK Country Head Amanda Rudin recommended Emmanuel as the best person to report from fashion shows and events. He was also the first to report on the British Fashion scene for the World Fashion and has appeared on Vogue TV, BBC One, RTE Ireland and BBs Asian Network.

Emmanuel is the only celebrity to have appeared on Brit Asia TV’s Broken Silence programme, discussing the problems faced by sexual minorities within ethnic minorities.

For more information about Emmanuel Ray you can visit and follow him on Twitter @EmmanuelRay