Light Art lighting products launched

Saturday, 15 September 2012 00:35 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Wall Art, the exclusive retailer of European wallpaper and 3D tiles in Sri Lanka, announced the launch of ‘Light Art,’ its newest venture into adjacent products for interiors.  

Kishani Weerasekera, Managing Director of Wall Art said, “We decided to branch out into upscale lighting products as it complemented our existing product portfolio of wall paper and 3D tiles due to similarities in type of customers and customer requirements.

“With Light Art, we have launched a select range of chandeliers, table lamps and floor lamps of which only a handful of each model is sold, giving customers the opportunity to pick up unique lighting fixtures for their home.”

Chandeliers have been historically viewed as elegant and unparalleled lighting fixtures, which are additions to any room that can command attention like no other furnishing type can. Light Art’s range of crystal chandeliers, as well as table and floor lamp designs are currently not available elsewhere in the market. Light Art chandeliers can also be fitted with energy-saving LED bulbs, which use up to 85 per cent less energy than normal bulbs.

“With the boom in construction we see tremendous potential in the lighting industry. We cater to individual household buyers and we also supply larger commercial projects such as hotels, restaurants, offices and apartment complexes with total lighting solutions,” Weerasekera added.