Live it up this Christmas with high tea at the Dilmah t-Bar

Saturday, 15 December 2012 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Live the high life this December with the Hilton’s must have Christmas High Tea at the Dilmah t-Bar at the Thorana Lounge. A unique five-day event specially put together to celebrate spirit of the season, the Dilmah Christmas high tea will feature a unique theme each day, with music and amazing tea mixes and of course, a delectable high tea spread to indulge in.

Join the Merry An Singers featuring the speciality Dilmah t-Tk on Thursday, 20 December for a white Christmas. Spice up your Friday afternoon with Natasha Rathanayake, while sipping on lively mixes made of Dilmah’s world famous Ceylon cinnamon spice tea on 21 December.  

Treat your little ones to a fun-filled Saturday afternoon of pairing sugar and spice with the delightful Soul Sounds Junior Choir on 22 December or treat yourself to a relaxing afternoon of Sunday Lights on the 23 December with Vocal Enigma and the soothing flavours of Dilmah Moroccan mint green tea inspired cocktail and mocktail mixes.

Better yet, indulge in the best of the season on 24 December, in the company of Choro Benedicte and Dilmah Seasonal Flush, a very special rare tea, prized the world over for its exclusivity.

Whether it’s catching up with your friends or family, or taking a break from your hectic seasonal schedule, drop in at the Dilmah t-Bar at the Thorana Lounge from 20 to 24 December, 3-6 p.m. for a high tea of a whole new kind. Call the Hilton event desk on 112492492 to reserve your table now.