Lying in the lap of luxury – the Corporate Lounge

Tuesday, 15 May 2012 00:27 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

For all those top corporate executives who demand a touch of class while blowing off steam after a hard day’s work, the Corporate Lounge was officially declared open at Excel World recently by Brown & Company PLC Deputy Chairman Ajith Devasurendra, offering a range of unrivalled recreational and relaxation options to those who deserve it.

These benefits include a state of the art Virtual Golf Simulator, a cosy lounge, expertly crafted billiard and snooker tables, latest TVs, a Wi Fi zone as well as a fully-stocked bar and F&B services along with an ambience designed to soothe the mind and body.  Another new concept – The Blue Room was also inaugurated on the same day.

It caters exclusive and superb ambience for the Corporate Lounge members and others to have their top level evening sessions – business or private! Furthermore, it also offers great discounts and deals for its exclusive clientele, making it the ultimate stop for the busy corporate honcho.