NDB strengthening women through Araliya

Thursday, 13 July 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Behind every success stands a strong woman; behind every strong woman stands Araliya. A woman too at times resembles an Araliya flower that is simple, humble yet resilient and beautiful. Looking back at the success we have achieved in life, there has always been that woman (Ara- liya) who sacrificed much more as a mother, daughter, wife and sister.

Women, an integral part of the world, play a greater role in development and have great potential to lift a nation. Women have now become active participants in all walks of life. They are more than just a unit of the family organisation but are becoming a significant unit of society while influencing the course of social change in the world.

It is for her that NDB dedicates Araliya, a women’s savings account which will not merely be an account to save, but support her in terms of developing her skills, health and knowledge whilst giving strength, security and confidence to realise her aspirations in her journey of life.

NDB, as a bank which holds three decades of excellence and experience in financially empowering Sri Lanka, has today taken a large stride to reach out to give that strength to our Sri Lankan women. NDB has thus far made continuous efforts to empower women through various initiatives, significantly through SME and Microfinance. 

As a bank NDB takes every effort to provide constant encouragement and propel financial guidance for Sri Lankan women with a determination to grow in their life. NDB Araliya will have a host of benefits focused on women and is ready to give the support she needs at different stages of her life. The product comes in with benefits such as free life insurance and hospitalisation cover for the accountholder and family members, additional bonus interest, welcome gift on the initial deposit, a free NDB Shilpa Children’s savings account upon the birth of a child, a gift on the 21st birthday and much more. 

NDB remains dedicated to bringing its customers one step closer to accomplishing their lifelong ambitions through the range of services that are accessible through its growing branch network. 

Furthermore, details on NDB’s many products and services can be obtained from its 24-hour Call Centre, by dialling 011 2 448 888 or by visiting NDB’s website www.ndbbank.com.