Pakmo Trading introduces X-Eco LED lighting

Friday, 31 January 2014 01:22 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Pakmo Trading Ltd., handling all types of security related equipment, machinery and co-related solutions for construction, agriculture, water supply and drainage, power and development of ports and aviation sectors, recently announced its collaboration with Effect Meiji Corp. Japan to introduce an eco friendly energy saving LED lighting system to Sri Lanka. Addressing the media at a recently held briefing in Colombo, Pakmo Trading Ltd. Director Lalith Ekanayake stated: “We are happy to inform you that we are taking a new step to join hands with Effect Meiji Corp. which is a well reputed company with many years of experience in producing LED lighting systems. With our expanding network of partnering companies worldwide we will be able to meet any demand for a range of products and specifications catering to international standards.” The partnership agreement between the two companies was signed on 27 January Making Pakmo Trading Ltd the sole distributor for X-Eco LED lighting. Following a brief video presentation Effect Meiji Corp. CEO Toru Takasu went on to explain how LED has been around for over 60 years: “About 20 years ago Shuji Nakamura developed the blue LED setting out a major breakthrough in lighting technology. Then onwards Red, Green and Blue LEDs have been used to mix and create more colours.  In Japan LED lights can be found in each and every place as it is in line with the government’s energy saving policy. LED lights are bound to last for a long time and saves power and no heat is emitted from the bulbs.” Speaking of their future plans Takasu said that the next step will be setting up a dedicated showroom where customers can walk in and check for the product quality and he looks forward to manufacturing LED lighting systems in Sri Lanka it self in the future. – Pix by Daminda Harsha Perera