Sadhana Walavalkar to exhibit in Colombo for first time

Thursday, 17 January 2013 22:44 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Sadhana is a talented artist with a penchant for the natural and surreal. She started painting as a hobby at a very young age. Having had no professional training, her art originates from her love for life and nature.

She has been exhibiting her ‘one of a kind’ pieces to the public since 1984 and have her work has been featured in many famed art galleries in major cities of India such as Mumbai, Delhi, Cochin, Ahmadabad, Lucknow and many more.

Sadhana’s paintings appeal to art lovers of various origins and her followers spread beyond the boundaries of India, to Japan, United Kingdom, North America and Singapore among other South Asian nations. Sadhana was recognised by Intach Art Associations (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage) for her outstanding works of art. wHer first exhibition outside India is set to take place in Colombo, at the Harold Peiris Gallery at the Lionel Wendt building, showcasing a collection of 40 masterpieces of oil and acrylic work on canvas in varying subjects, styles and vigour. The exhibition will be open to public on January 24 and 25 2013.