Santa’s Workshop

Wednesday, 25 December 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Giving children an opportunity to discover the magic inside Santa’s Home
220 curious children discovered the magic inside Santa’s Home, in two sessions, at Cinnamon Grand’s fifth consecutive Santa’s Workshop. The kids had some old fashioned fun sans gadgets and addictive technologies while soaking in the magic and mystery of Santa’s home and all the work that goes on the night before Christmas. Starting off their adventure in the elves’ costumes closet, the children made themselves comfortable thereafter with Santa’s family while engaging in handcrafts and cookery with the big man in the red suit, his wife Mrs. Clause and the elves that live with them. The Cinnamon Grand’s teams from departments across the hotel joined forces in recreating the magic of Santa’s home and a mystical costumes closet, a fashionable nail and tattoo spa and of course the enchanting home of Santa himself. With crackling fire places and chilling snow fall outside the window panes, Santa’s elves were busy in reading letters and making the ‘naughty and nice’ lists in the mail room, labouring over crafting gifts for children in the toyshop and helping Mrs. Clause whip up Santa’s favourites in the kitchen. Every activity they did from the recycled bottle Christmas tree craft to the angel’s prayer hangings, to the Santa tags and cookery had a meaning and learning behind it. The importance of recycling and the possibility of making something beautiful from things that would otherwise be thrown away was highlighted, as was the importance of being kind, caring and good. Children were also encouraged to find happiness in sharing while their creative skills were honed through the activities. Though the enterprise, from the conception to the construction that went into creating the structure of the magical home, to the compilation of the activities the children did, to the animate characters that were played out by the staff throughout the sessions were challenging tasks, the glint of awe and joy seen on the children’s faces made it all worthwhile.