‘Share with a Child’ for 6th consecutive year by Harpo’s Cafes & Restaurants

Wednesday, 25 December 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Accepting the fact that education will pave the way for a better future, 85 children (6 years-16 years) of the Community Concern Centre education program were rewarded for their effort and were hosted to a gift presentation and a Festive Tea party on 12 December 2013 at the Community Concern Centre, 15/A Aponsu Road, Dehiwala. “Out of all the events held for the year the annual charity project has so much meaning to me since my team and I share the joy of the season with these kids who have achieved great heights in their education against all odds in life, knowing their efforts are rewarded. It’s heart warming to see the smiling faces of the children when they enjoy the event to their hearts content,” says MD Harpo Gooneratne. Harpo’s Cafes & Restaurants have continued to assist and support charity projects on a regular basis and the ‘Share with a Child’ charity project was held for the sixth consecutive year as part of their CSR initiative.