Silent Hands Productions

Saturday, 11 February 2012 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Now in its tenth year, Silent Hands Productions started off as a theatre support group to help the local English theatre productions in the country. The couple behind Silent Hands, Jehan and Neidra, have successfully managed to pick their way through by helping others and learning by experience to produce some exceptional plays almost every year since 2003.

Perhaps the secret to the duo’s success with the company is their understanding of each other, both as theatre enthusiasts and as a married couple. While Neidra has her eyes set on the nitty gritty of the picture, Jehan takes a macro look at their productions. “It started because we wanted to help the English theatre in the country and our work then revolved around backstage, lighting, set designs etc,” Jehan noted.

Formed in 2001 the company has been the silent supporters of a number of theatrical experiences including several Peterite chorals, Jith Peiris’s productions and Deanna School of Dancing among others.

In 2003, the duo tried their hand at producing their own play, ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ as homage to the greatest playwright of all times, Shakespeare. “We are the ones who brought the concept of magical madness out. This was a completely new experience for the audience when we first staged it,” Jehan said. Based on its success, the duo went on to produce several well-received plays over the years such as ‘The Legend of Excalibur,’ ‘Tom Dick and Harry,’ ‘Boeing Boeing,’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ and ‘Leading Ladies,’ while helping several school theatre groups during the annual Interschool Shakespeare Drama Competition.

“We have experimented with many genres of theatre, be it comedy or more of a serious one. What we have realised is that people prefer light entertainment rather than the other,” they said. Jehan added that since 2003, Silent Hand Productions have staged plays almost every year and sometimes two in one year.

“It is a lot of hard work but this is something we love. We will continue to do this and to entertain the local theatre lovers with good drama and great evenings.”