Speed revamps corporate glass bottle

Thursday, 23 January 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Speed Water Systems, launched their new product ‘Speed Corporate bottle’, a water bottle suitable for office workers, managers, general managers and executives. This bottle, contributing to the identity and dignity of these professionals, is 750 ml in capacity and rectangular in shape. It is made out of thickened glass and the stopper is silver in colour. Speed Water Systems, a company that always comes out with innovating products and marketing strategies has introduced this bottle under the new slogan, ‘It’s is not the water, It’s the bottle’. Speaking about this introduction of the new bottle, Speed Water Systems Managing Director Nishantha Delgoda says, “We conducted a research to find out how various professionals fulfil their water requirement at their work places. We found out that they are using various kinds of empty liquor bottles to bring and store drinking water. This is not fitting to their images or dignity. Furthermore, this practice is not good for their health and the environment. Some people use plastic bottles that should not be re-used. Some professionals take water in liquor bottles every morning to their work places. This is bad for the mentality of their children.  Having liquor bottles filled with water on the tables of professionals is not fitting. Because of those reasons, our company decided to introduce a special bottle to bring and keep drinking water. The Speed Corporate Water Bottle is the result of this decision.” Adding further he said, “Our intention is to add ‘fashion to water’ and to make everyone proud of the water bottle they carry. We are not going to make money out of this and we will make this available in the market for only rupees 200 which will be a part of our social responsibility project this year.” Buyers of Speed Corporate Water Bottles could get their water bottles refilled free of charge up to a period of six months from the date of purchase from Speed Water Systems Head Office at Kirulapona. If the bottle gets discoloured due to long use it can be exchanged for a new bottle at Speed Water Systems and the old bottle will be cleaned and sterile in their factory. SPEED is a sister company of SRITRIMS far-east Ltd, a renowned garment accessory manufacturer in china.