Suresh speaks via social media

Saturday, 14 September 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

A loud and enormous thank you to all of you who made it on Saturday and helped shape a really great gig into an absolutely monumental one. We made history together and I believe without a shadow of a qualm that all of us had one hell of a time. Bountiful waves of gratitude and inconceivable amounts of respect! Generally we aren’t renowned for being short of words. This time we are rendered speechless by all of you, so many of you, every single one of you, who turned up and celebrated the 10 year birthday of our firstborn; music that is evidently even more relevant, evocative and powerful today as it was a decade ago. Your feedback, your benign words, gestures, appreciation and love is felt all the way from the tips of our fingers to the core of our souls. Last Saturday all of us (on and off stage) bled sonic fury and passion – shattering boundaries and every conceivable norm and proved what loyalty, attitude and pure energy really is... What a fabulous family. Love you all. The Double Album and the Gig was our way of saying thank you to each and every one of you.