The magical world of fairy tales

Saturday, 22 September 2012 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Ruzaik Farook

The classic ‘Sleeping Beauty’ will be staged by the primary students of Musaeus College at the Musaeus College Auditorium on 28 September. ‘Sleeping Beauty’ is based on the famous Walt Disney version but has been adapted to suit the little kids of the primary school, explained the school’s Artistic Director Nusrath Ghazzali.

The story is an original fairy tale about a princess who finally finds her love of her life. This story is loved by children around the world and is seen in cartoons, dramas, movies, books etc. but this time, the kids of Musaeus College are ready to perform it live. The story revolves around beautiful princess named Aurora.

Despite the sad start, the drama ends ups with the perfect happy ending with the princess being wedded to the prince. The director Nusrath Ghazzali had spent long months conducting practices.

“The hardest task was auditioning the students. It took two months to choose the right characters,” she revealed. “I’m honoured and privileged to observe many talented young actresses performing like professionals. The performances of the students are so good at times I forgot the fact that they are children. It would have not been possible to put on a show of this calibre without the efforts of the incredibly talented kids and team effort of the wonderful primary staff.”

All in all, 300 children are involved in the production and will all get a chance to be onstage. Students from grades three to five will perform in the drama. They have incorporated the original Walt Disney soundtrack to bring out the dramatic elements of the story and the performers will be clad in exquisite outfits for extra flair.

The choral director for the play is Vindya Ethiligoda, a music teacher at Musaeus College and she will be assisted by Rangi Hewawasm and Chathurangi Siriwardhena. The choreography was done by Menik Neydorph, the sets handled by Lal Harindranath and the lights and sounds will be done by Dhammika Caldera.

 The main roles will be played by Oshini Pilapitiya (Aurora) and Gavinya Wijesekera (Prince), along with Methuli Pethawadu (King), Dinuli Jayakody (Queen), Shaweetha Kohobange (KIng Hubert), Dinara Fernando (Flora), Yalindi Premarathne (Fauna), Siyara Wickramasinghe (Merryweather), Naweera Abeywickrama (Muffit), Moneli Peris (Fanny), Shamla Hamza (Taffit) and Dinethra Eththiligoda (Owl). They are all under 10 years of age.