THEFACESHOP all-natural 99% Aloe Vera Fresh Soothing Gel will help you cool off this summer!

Friday, 12 May 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

01This time of year usually brings harsh tropical weather, particularly, intense sunlight and scorching hot temperatures. Our skin bears the brunt of these environmental factors as heavy sun exposure and the build-up of facial sweat due to the strong heat often leads to incidences of painful sunburns and acne. Plus, the severe temperatures can also make skin dehydrated, dry, and irritated. 

Using rich, cloying face creams, which are usually meant for cooler climates, can either exacerbate or provide you with no relief from these skin issues. Hence, by choosing to switch up your skincare routine with THEFACESHOP 99% Aloe Vera Fresh Soothing Gel, you will be able to maintain the health and beauty of your skin, while keeping it soothed, refreshed, and hydrated this summer.

Formulated with 99% pure Aloe Vera extract, this light hydrating gel helps your skin recover and heal from the damage caused by environmental stressors. Aloe Vera, the key natural ingredient, infuses this fresh soothing gel with a host of anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-bacterial properties, allowing you to treat a diverse variety of skin care conditions, ranging from sensitive and inflamed skin to acne and sunburn. The mild formula also exudes a cool, refreshing sensation when applied onto your skin, and deeply hydrates skin without leaving behind any sticky residue.

The 99% Aloe Vera Fresh Soothing Gel by THEFACESHOP is extremely versatile as the gel can be used for an ample array of skin care purposes. For instance, this gel moisturiser can be used as a soothing facial pack for acne-prone, troubled, and sensitive skin, or as a daily night lotion for combination and oily skin. It can be utilised as after-sun skin care or as a calming agent for skin after hair removal as well.

Unlike other Aloe Vera skin care products, THEFACESHOP 99% Aloe Vera Fresh Soothing Gel does not contain any parabens, benzophenone, animal ingredients, mineral oil, or artificial colouring, further elevating the anti-irritant nature of this animal cruelty-free soothing gel and making it perfectly safe for pregnant mothers. 

So, experience calm, refreshed, and cool skin this summer by walking into your nearest THEFACESHOP and purchasing THEFACESHOP 99% Aloe Vera Fresh Soothing Gel today. Plus, follow them on and @thefaceshopsl for more information, or contact them at 0718 050505.