Wallart.lk wins Gold at BestWeb.lk Awards

Wednesday, 30 July 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Wallart.lk was recognised with a Gold award for the best Commercial Website in the recently concluded BestWeb.lk awards. BestWeb.lk 2014 is a unique and innovative competition organised by the LK Domain Registry for the fifth time to recognise the best websites in Sri Lanka. Since beginning in 2009, it has been a highly successful web-based competition providing an exclusive opportunity to promote and popularise Sri Lankan websites and showcase the Sri Lankan web identity online. There were nine categories of awards and this year the Best Commercial Website category attracted over 70 website entries.   Wall Art Managing Director Kishani Weerasekera said, “We are very happy to win this prestigious award from BestWeb.lk. Organisations need a solid web site to present the company to the world and to attract customers. Wall Art was the first company to introduce wall paper and 3D tiles exclusively to Sri Lanka and our website and digital media played a pivotal role in popularising this concept among prospective customers.” The key objective of this competition is to popularise Sri Lankan websites, in particular .lk domain websites, increase awareness and recognise good Sri Lankan websites as well as recognise the domain owners and web developers and to provide a platform to improve the quality of the Sri Lankan websites. “I wish to thank our website designer Mr. Aruna Withana for his hard work in developing and maintaining wallart.lk,” Weerasekera added. An expert panel of judges are appointed with the task of judging each submission. This panel comprised of experts in their fields with broad web expertise and ability to spot extraordinary talent with precision in a non-biased manner. Each entry was judged on creativity, quality of graphic design, artistry, technological expertise and the quality of the content made available to the user. The public too could contribute by voting for their favourite site.