Waters Edge crowns 2nd ‘Mommy & Me Cook-Off’ winners

Friday, 2 June 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

01Waters Edge, the favourite suburban hotel on the outskirts of Colombo together with the 100% Sri Lankan produced Pelwatte Dairy recently held the second edition of the ‘Mummy & Me Cook-Off’. The event which was conceptualised and brought to life for the first time last year featured five mother-daughter duos that battled it out at the Grand Final. The mother-daughter team of Shenaya and Eleeza cooked-off their way to kitchen supremacy showcasing a skilfully and tastefully put together dish of their own creation. Second place was won by the mother-daughter duo Nishu and Katie, while Shashi and Christine walked off with the third place honours.

The five teams were expected to come up with a unique recipe using chicken and Pelwatte butter and were given a time period of one hour to prepare and plate their dishes. They were then judged on taste, presentation, timely completion, use of ingredients and cleanliness. The elite panel of judges included culinary guru and General Manager of Waters Edge Rohan Fernandopulle, multi-award winning Executive Chef of Waters Edge Buddhika Samarasekera, Marketing Manager at Pelwatte Dairy Gayathrie Dissanayake and Radio Personality/Social Media Manager at TNL Radio Dilini Perera.

Speaking at the event Rohan Fernandopulle noted, “I was very surprised to see the level of competition this year. The recipes and attention to detail and presentations were worthy of restaurants. It is also great to see the kids with so much talent and love for cooking. Waters Edge is proud to have initiated such an event.”

The winning dish was creamy pasta with stuffed chicken that according to the judges consisted of all the elements they were looking for. The winners walked away with the coveted cook-off trophy, gold medals and certificates, a product voucher from Pelwatte dairy, gifts from Beko, vouchers from Cutting Station and Waters Edge. All participating teams also received gifts from Beko, Pelwatte Dairy and Waters Edge.

Partnering with Waters Edge on this event Pelwatte Dairy provided their range of dairy products including butter, yoghurt, ice-cream and liquid milk for the teams to use. All teams created their culinary masterpieces on specially designed cooking units created by Euro Kitchen. Beko provided all kitchen appliances for the teams to cook-off in style. The social media partner for the event was Novitat Media while the official radio station was TNL Radio.03