Waters Edge presents epicurean meal with Food & Wine expert Ricci

Friday, 8 August 2014 01:24 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Waters Edge presents another epicurean evening of rare ingredients gathered together to create a menu that would ignite and set on fire the taste buds of connoisseurs. In the culinary world of mushrooms the only type known as the ‘king of mushooms’ is the ‘Porcini’ mushroom. Together with ‘Chantarell’ mushrooms Leo is expected to turn out a delicious and innovative menu. The Italian Food & Wine expert Leonardo Ricci, is back once again with a collection of fresh ingredients. With his impeccable taste and depth of knowledge the evening’s menu with wine pairing is expected to be one of a kind. Leo is always happy to talk to the guests and explain his accumulated culinary wisdom to match food and wine in an art form that can be tasted. The subtle blending of ingredients skillfully balanced with his selection of wine is a refined practice in Italy.