ACJU asks Muslims to pray from home

Friday, 20 March 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) in a statement has urged the Muslim community not to hold congregational Friday Jummah prayers today but pray from current places of residence and seek refuge from Allah to safeguard the people of this country and globally from the evils of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Following is the full text of the statement:

“It is confirmed by the health officials that there is a fear of the Coronavirus (COVID19) spreading to various parts of the country. Since the World Health Organization has declared that the gathering of people is the basic cause of this epidemic spreading further, our government has barred public gatherings, and has informed that any efforts to gather people would be a violation of law, and due legal action would be carried out against violators.

“‘Do not cause harm to yourself and others’ is a Hadith that is the basis of a very important principal of Islamic jurisprudence. Furthermore, religious scholars have listed the circumstances in which congregational prayers and Jumu’ah prayer could be abandoned, with certain conditions. Some of them are: Illness, fear, travel, taking care of a patient, strong wind, and rain. It is understood from Ahadith that if one is unable to attend congregational prayers or Jumu’ah prayer for the abovementioned reasons, he would receive the same reward as if it were performed.

“Taking the above mentioned into consideration, the Waqf Board, Department of Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs and the All Ceylon Jammiyyathul Ulama have requested the public to refrain from gathering at the mosques for the daily congregational prayers or Jumu’ah prayer, and to alternatively pray at the residences, as we would be well aware.

“Moreover, Friday is a sacred day for the Muslims. Reciting Surah Kahf, reciting Salawat upon the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and supplications are important acts of worship of this day. Hence, during the coming Friday, Muslims are advised to close their businesses as usual; and once the Azan for Luhar Prayers is called out, perform the Luhar Prayers (4 Rak’aths), as well as the pre and post voluntary prayers at their current places of residence and seek refuge from Allah to safeguard the people of this country and globally from the evils of this dastardly pandemic.

“Note: There is a particular time on this day, regarding which the Prophet (Peace be upon him) has mentioned that supplication made at that time would definitely be answered. We kindly urge all the Muslims to adhere to these guidelines.”