CBEU calls for weeklong home quarantine for all

Tuesday, 17 March 2020 00:47 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Ceylon Bank Employees’ Union (CBEU) yesterday wrote to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa calling on him to place all but those carrying out essential services on quarantine in their homes to curtail the spread of the coronavirus.

“We request you to close down all non-essential government and private places of work this week as this will help the health authorities and those engaged in preventive work,” the CBSU said in a statement.

The Government has admitted that some Sri Lankans coming from high-risk countries have avoided mandatory quarantine and it is important to track them down and hence it would be conducive if a holiday period is declared, the union said, adding that it appreciates the measures that the Government has so far undertaken in this regard.


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