Cabinet nod to draft National Intelligence Bill

Thursday, 16 January 2020 02:03 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Proposal presented by State Minister of Defence Chamal Rajapaksa 
  • Bills seeks to provide legal safeguards to intelligence personnel, strengthen their services
  • Cabinet Spokesman says last Govt. weakened intelligence services, hounded officers

The Cabinet on Tuesday approved the drafting of a National intelligence Bill, which seeks to provide legal safeguards to intelligence personnel and strengthen their services.

The Cabinet proposal was presented by State Minister of Defence Chamal Rajapaksa and will now be referred to the Legal Draftsman’s Department to draw up the Bill.  

Cabinet Spokesperson Minister Bandula Gunawardana

Cabinet Spokesperson Minister Bandula Gunawardana said that the intelligence services are important for the national security of any country, and their services proved invaluable during the war against terrorism and the elimination of the LTTE. “Unfortunately, under the Yahapalanaya Government, intelligence was weakened, officers were hounded and treated very badly in an unprecedented manner. Many intelligence officers were jailed without bail, or their families were left to suffer too as their salaries were stopped,” Gunawardana said.

He said the Bill will give safeguards to intelligence personnel, so that they would not be subject to such victimisation for doing their job, and be free from outside interference.

The Minister added that the intelligence services will also be further strengthened, so that the State can be forewarned about the dangers from extremist groups and would be a safeguard all communities.
