Chinese Embassy says no need for Lankans to panic

Thursday, 30 January 2020 03:11 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Chinese Embassy yesterday in a statement reasoned there was no need for Sri Lankans to fear the presence or arrival of their nationals as the Government has taken all necessary measures to contain the spread of coronavirus.

Following is the full statement.

Chinese authorities have established an all-dimensional and multi-level epidemic-containing network, where CPC leads governments at all levels and has been putting great efforts in Wuhan and other much-infected Hubei cities. 

Chinese authorities have confidence and the capacity to contain the epidemic and win the fight against it. It is believed that there is no need for the Sri Lankan public to fear the arrival Chinese nationals after the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday as: 

Exit and entrance channels to Wuhan have been temporarily closed, and it is improbable that local people would travel to other places, including Sri Lanka. 

The Chinese Embassy has advised employees of Chinese companies from the Hubei Province to halt their plans of traveling back to Sri Lanka, and those from other provinces and cities to quarantine themselves for at least 14 days after arriving in Sri Lanka. 

Chinese authorities have halted all outbound group travels. 

Chinese authorities have imposed strict examinations and fever-detecting measures at all airports and transport hubs